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Monday 22 March 2010

The Hastings Half Marathon

Hello - I hope that you have all had a glimmer of spring? The weather has turned better where I am and it has dawned on me how quickly the seasons are changing and how time is flying by! It seems no time at all since I was running in fresh snow, in a fresh pair of running shoes thinking that this was the beginning of over a years worth of excercise, fund raising, planning and excitement! I hope I am getting there!

This weekend I took part in the Hastings Half marathon. Hastings is a lovely seaside town on the south coast of the UK and with a forecast of sunshine looked like a great day out. I had been warned by a few people that this may be a challenge for a first half marathon because of the hills and they were not wrong! This was to be the furthest that I have ever run by 3.5 miles, and I was also suffering with man flu, but once I have said yes to something, I never turn back!

As far as I could tell Hastings is built on a cliff that is a physical impossibility. I ran uphill for 9 miles and downhill for 4 and ended up at the same place that I started! Not fair! I was pleased with my time - I aimed for a sub 2:00hr and came in at 1:58 so job done!

I have a new running watch which my wife gave me for my birthday (thank you!) which told me that I had burnt 2,500 calories. With this good news I retired to have lunch with some friends who live in Hastings and ate pizza and drank tea for the next 2 hours! (Thanks Guys - it was great).

A day off the excercise today, and in fact off most things as my flu was infact flu - so my time was not bad at all. When better I will back in the gym, but probably not quite yet as I am aching somewhat! I have not got an event to aim for in April, so if you have any ideas please add them in a comment!

I have found an interesting event for October which is the Original Mountain Marathon. A 65K, 2 day run /walk / navigate and wild camping trek. Looks great and a big one to aim for.

Funny to think that not long ago I would be anxious about playing a game of squash as I was so unfit. Now I am planning 65K races!

I wanted to add a link to an interesting blog that I have been introduced to:

The largest part of my North Pole challenge remains raising the funds. This blog has lots of advice about keeping the dream alive, and how to make synergies between acheivement and aspirations. I have am learning from it - which is part of my journey!

"Life is to be spent, not saved. " D H Lawrence. Wise words, especially as the days get longer! Best wishes to you all.


Andy Butterfield said...

Rob, well done on the half marathon especially given you had the flu.

I don't know if you watched the Sport Relief coverage of Eddie Izzard running all those marathons? You will find it either inspirational or depressing, hopefully the former! He seemed to find ice baths helped after big runs. Might help you get used to the cold as well! Every cloud and all that! Good Luck.

Bebie said...

Hi Rob,

It's autumn here in Australia bringing with it respite from the terrible heat which can possess us for 3 - 5 months in the sub-tropics; depending on the fickleness of the season.

It's really great to hear how fit you've become, and because time seems to be flying ever so quickly it won't be long before you're up there on the ice.

It's to be hoped you're well and truly over the flu by now?

The following address is a news item of one of my fellow Australians (I don't know him) and a North Pole Trek which you might be interested to read. Is this a similar trek to what you're preparing for?

Most of us who only watch the people who do these amazing treks have no idea of what you have to go through to get to your goal. May your fitness continue to build for the remarkable day ahead. All the very best.

Sunshine Coast, Qld. Australia.

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